How To Place Landscape Lighting: 5 Must-Know


Here are some what to do, what to avoid, and what not to do before installing landscape lighting! Helping you understand where to install landscape lighting for the best effect.


1.Focus on lighting the house first


When it comes to landscape lighting, you shouldn’t focus on lighting pathways and other landscape features first, like your plants. In fact, you should begin with the primary focus of your outdoor lighting— your house.

You should position the right type of lighting fixtures so that they illuminate the walls of the house, landscape features, and provide safety and security at night.


2.Take advantage of multiple layers


When it comes to landscape lighting, don’t group too many fixtures in one space.

If you want to really create a bright spotlight, avoid grouping a lot of fixtures and instead position several spotlights with different angles toward the object, like a garden statue or topiary, that you want to illuminate. This will reveal silhouettes and layers that make for a dramatic effect.


3.Get creative with pathway lighting


Someone might put their pathway lights in a straight line, Doing this creates a really bland appearance, like an airport runway, rather than a warm and inviting pathway to walk along.

So what can you do? Get creative! While you don’t want to create a busy or distracting look, you can stagger the lights or place them so that they shine down the pathway.


4.Use accent lights


If you ignore the small or out-of-sight spaces could keep you from truly taking advantage of the safety, security and beauty of landscape lighting.

Using an accent light can work wonders for the dark corners around the yard. Besides creating even more beauty, it can also deter potential intruders who seek out dark places to remain undetected.


5.Option for solar lights


We can’t talk about landscape lighting without discussing green energy. Solar lights use solar energy to charge in the morning and automatically light up in the evening, energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Compared to traditional utility lighting, you can also save an amount of money on your monthly electricity bill.

Wouldn’t it be nice to reduce your energy bill while doing your part to save the planet? Make the shift to solar-powered lighting and you will minimize your carbon footprint. There is no sense using non-renewable energy sources that are finite and costly when you can harness the power of the sun to illuminate your living or working space.

At Sottlot New Energy, we specialize in outdoor smart lighting. We offer a wide range of high-quality solar landscape lights. In addition, we have developed Dark Sky eco-friendly lighting fixtures, which provide soft downward illumination without glare and can effectively reduce light pollution. If you are interested in our solar landscape lighting fixtures, you can visit our shop to buy them or consult with us.

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